Cluster Overview Page

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The Cluster Overview page displays key metrics about your CockroachDB Cloud cluster. To view this page, click on a cluster from the Clusters page.

Cluster settings

The Cluster settings panel displays the settings you chose during cluster creation.

Field Description
Cloud The cluster's cloud provider.
Plan type The plan type used to create the cluster.
Regions The cluster's regions.

Capacity used this month

The Capacity used this month panel displays your cluster usage statistics for the current month. You can click Estimate usage cost to open a tool that estimates your monthly costs based on your workload during a selected time frame.

Field Description
Capacity used The CockroachDB Standard or Basic cluster's configured capacity. Click the edit icon to change the configured capacity.
Request Units The CPU and I/O resources being used by queries on the cluster, and whether throttling is in effect. The total available RUs are determined by your configured capacity.
Storage The amount of data currently stored in the cluster. This value does not account for compression or replication. The total available storage is determined by your configured capacity.

Current activity panel

This panel displays operational statistics for your cluster.

Field Description
Throughput The cluster throughput in queries per second (QPS).
P99 latency The 99th percentile of service latency. This value indicates the time within which the cluster executed 99 percent of queries over the last minute.
Open sessions The number of open sessions in the cluster.

Cluster Overview metrics

These time-series graphs display important cluster metrics over time.

You can use the timeframe selector above the graphs to view data for a specific time period.

Request Units

The Request Units graph displays the CPU and I/O resources being used by queries on the cluster. This is measured in Request Units per second at each timestamp. Simple queries consume few RUs, while complicated queries with many reads and writes consume more RUs.

Storage Used

The Storage Used graph displays the amount of data being stored in the cluster over time. This is the logical number of live bytes and does not account for compression or replication.

SQL Statements

The SQL Statements graph displays an average of the number of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements successfully executed per second.

Cluster configuration

The Cluster configuration panel displays the settings you chose during cluster creation.

Field Description
Cloud The cluster's cloud provider.
Plan type The plan type used to create the cluster.
Regions The cluster's region.
Nodes The number of nodes the cluster has and the status of each.
Compute The cluster's compute power per node.
Storage The cluster's storage per node.

PCI ready (with Security add-on)

CockroachDB Advanced clusters with Security add-on have a PCI ready panel to monitor the status of security features required for PCI readiness. Feature statuses will update from INACTIVE to ACTIVE once you configure them. Learn more about configuring these features:

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